Selection by Kiera Cass


This book is great.  I am beginning to think I love dystopian society books.  They intrigue me and I love to see the human spirit overcoming hard, tough things.  I love overcoming society’s rules that are not good for the people.

I enjoy the way the author handles this book.  I am glued to the book at every page.  It is so hard to stop a moment and have to live life.

So the main character in this book is America Singer.  That is her name!  Her occupation is “a singer.”  In this book, America lives in a place called Illea with an accent on the e.  (There is a whole history of the country on page p. 208.  Interesting story.)

America is in love with a boy named Aspen.  Aspen is in a caste just under hers and not an encouraged match but they love each other and meet often in a tree house at night.  Then there is an announcement that the prince is needing a wife.  So anyone can apply to take part in the “Selection.”  There will be 35 girls who will live in the palace and the prince will decide which he likes.  Their families will get compensated.  America’s family struggles to get by.  Her mom bribes her to enter and Asher tells her she should give it a chance.  So America goes.

The prince is not at all what she expected and soon she is confused.  Asher or Prince Maxon?  She can’t decide.

Great book.  I loved it!  So many surprises and events happening!  I am excited to read the next in the series to find out who she wants because I just don’t know yet.

Allegiant by Veronica Roth


Okay, so one of my very favorite quotes is at the end of this book…

“Since I was young.  I have always known this:  Life damages us, every one.  We can’t escape that damage.

‘But now I am also learning this:  We can be mended.  We mend each other.”

That is a beautiful way to end this series.  I normally don’t like these kind of endings and I was extremely surprised BUT  I feel the author handled what happened valiantly.  Never in a million years would I have thought it would end that way.

Fantastic BOOK!  Fantastic Series!  I shall often think of this wonderful series.  I hope to read it again and again.  There is much to be learned here.

Matched & Crossed by Ally Condie


I am really behind in writing about the books I have read, so I am going to add a few today.

Ally Condie’s books Matched & Crossed are now some of my favorites.  I can’t wait to read the next book in the series called Reached.

This book takes place in a dystopian society Cassia becomes a certain age and has to go to the matching banquet where she is to find out her true match.  Across the screen, her best friend appeared.  Usually it is someone from another place.  She’s happy but later at home when she looks at a digital information about her match another face flashes across–Ky.  She is torn and wonders about why that happened.  Crossed is a the continuing story from Matched.  Cassia is looking for Ky.

The scenery for Crossed at the end is really fun.  I like the active moving adventure they are on.  It is physically demanding on the characters.  It is intriguing and there are so many things I am wondering about the story.  So many questions!  The books don’t last nearly long enough, they go so quickly.  I love and am intrigued by the stories and the characters.  Love, love, Love!!!!!

Visions of Glory as told to John Pontius

Visions of Glory as told to John Pontius

This story is told by John Pontius but, he got the story from a man by the name of Spencer. His name has been changed so people won’t know his identity.  I think it is wise that no one knows who Spencer really is.  John Pontius converses with Spencer and later writes his words. John lets Spencer read the words so they will be accurate of his story.

Spencer isn’t a very healthy and has several out of body experiences. He learns he has a mission to fulfill and even views what it will look like. These are some of the things he saw during these times.

This is not a book I normally read.  It surprises me but I do like it. I am not one to get wrapped up about thinking about events that happen before the Savior comes again. I suppose I like to escape knowing because I realize there will be many things that will not be pleasant. I like this book because it focuses on the great things that will happen. I come away comforted even though he tells many things that are a bit hard to hear especially that of plagues and the wickedness of many at that time.

What this book did for me is made me think about the love of the Savior. It also made me ponder what my mission in life is. It made me evaluate my life and want to have it more in order with the way Heavenly Father would have me be. This book made me think about the after life. It made me think of people and roadblocks and following the Spirit.

If a book can do all those things, to me that is a great read. : )

Eggs by Jerry Spinelli

eggs by Jerry Spinelli

Primrose and David are friends.  There is an age difference between them but they are friends.  They can act like themselves in front of each other.  David’s mom had passed away and he’s still reeling from that.  Primrose isn’t very fond of her mom and moves out of her house and into a car in the front of her house.  This is a sweet story of friendship and working through our grief and loss.

This is a fun story.  I like the dialog between David and all those around him.  It’s real dialogue and makes you think about how you treat others even though inside you may not necessarily be thinking what you are saying.  Fun read.

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

les miserables

Jean Valjean’s life isn’t easy.  Put in prison for stealing bread.  His time extended for trying to escape.  Once he finally gets out he has no chance of a normal life because he is marked as an ex-convict.  Jean is shown compassion on by a man of God.  He changes his life and becomes a holier and better man.  Then he meets Fantine in not the best of circumstances.  Fantine dies and he helps her daughter, Cozette as he runs from the law.  Cozette becomes his daughter.  He has a beautiful life with Cozette until Cozette meets Marius.  Cozette and Marius were in love.  This is a beautiful story of love and sacrifice.

First, I’d recommend it because it is a classic.  Second, I recommend the book because it is beautiful in everyway.  I have never seen a rendition done any better than this the original.  It is a story that brought me (the one who doesn’t cry very much) to tears!

Summer of the Swans by Betsy Byars

summer of the swans by betsy byars

You would think I would have read this when I was little.  I never have though.  I missed out because this is a great book.

Sara is not satisfied with her life.  Her Aunt Willie seems to be harsh, Sara doesn’t feel pretty, and she always has to take her little brother with her.  Her little brother had a sickness when he was a baby and since then he doesn’t say anything.  He also doesn’t understand things.  He loved seeing the swans with Sara.  Sara finds out what is really important when her brother disappears. 

This story is sweet.  It is easy to get wrapped up in Sara’s life.  There is much to learn from this book even things that aren’t written.  It’s a book to ponder and think about.  I was engrossed in the story and it felt real to me.  This book was a favorite to me.

Trickster by Laurie Halse Anderson

tricksterDavid is a great kid who can’t seem to do anything right.  He loves to cut corners.  David volunteers with Dr. Mac.  David had an experience at Mr. Quinn’s ranch last year that made it so he couldn’t be around horses.  In this book, he has a chance to redeem himself.  He finds challenges along the way.  His love for a new horse named Trickster gives him incentive but, even so still seems to come up short.

This book has so much substances to it.  My heart aches with the boy as he experiences some of the hard knocks of life.  I feel like I learn as he learns lessons about not cutting corners.  I also learned much more about horses.  It teaches hard work.  It is also a book of mercy.  I really liked this kid.  Great character development with all the characters.  It’s a winner.

After Hello by Lisa Mangum

after hello

Sam & Sara meet per chance in a crowd in New York. Sara only has one day in New York when her dad can’t come be with her because his business meeting has run longer than it was supposed to. Sarah and Sam have a special day together.

This book talks about: sugar packets, trading for things, letting go, photography, art, beauty, love, and getting over traumatic events. It really is a beautiful story.

This is a great book to explore one’s past and self evaluate our own lives and decide if things could be holding us back. It also points out other many good lessons. In a world where it is hard to trust people this is a story about finding trust in someone new and sharing very personal things with each other and yet through sharing it can help one work through problems. I think it was well worth my time. It was a fun book.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak


This book will be known as one of my top books.

My good friend read it and said to me:  “Why would you enjoy reading that?”

When I hear that terminology I think…”enjoy reading this book?” When I read this book I don’t think of the word “enjoy” FIRST.

The book has a great purposes.

  1. I think of learning about this period.
  2. I think of hard, cold facts that have sometimes disturbing moments in it.
  3. It seems like today’s youth isn’t very aware of what really happened to the Jews in the days of Hitler.  This is a great book to educate.
  4. I think of what people can do when they are put in circumstances that appear hopeless.  I think that people can do small things that make a difference even when their hands appear tied behind their backs.
  5. I think of what people can do when they think their family could be in danger by something that they do.
  6. I think of how people can panic if they feel they will be turned in.  Even if they are innocent because people were turned in and punished regardless of whether they were guilty or not.
  7. I liked having Death tell the story.  He knows so much more of what happens than anyone else can because of who he is.  He know so many people’s stories and it helps to tie up a lot of loose ends that wouldn’t get tied up.

I’ll admit that it isn’t always roses and sunshine in this book but it has such beautiful purpose that I can’t help but add it to my favorites.

I can also admit to enjoying the book.  Because I enjoy learning about those purposes but enjoying is not what everyone else would picture as enjoyment.

I say let the things of darkness and what Hitler did be made known to all.  What happened needs to be avoided at all cost in the future.  I also think it adds to his condemnation.   It’s good to study his methods and to be aware if someone tries it again.  Knowledge is power.  That is what Hitler tried to take away from EVERYONE.  Even those in his own country were kept in darkness.



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